21/64: Resources to individuals, families and foundations during generational transitions. They offer an interesting role play tool for youth, families and boards.
Exponent Philanthropy Teen Philanthropy Café: This series introduces young people to strategic, thoughtful philanthropy, and inspires them toward giving with impact. Check out the guides that facilitate peer discussion and activities.
Generation On: To inspire, equip and mobilize youth to take action that changes the world and themselves through service.
GuideStar: A searchable database of nonprofit organizations to verify their legitimacy, view tax files and mission of the organization.
Kids Can Make A Difference: Kids Can Make A Difference® (KIDS), an educational program for middle- and high school students, focuses on the root causes of hunger and poverty, the people most affected, solutions, and how students can help. Click to find out what kids can do to make a difference.
Learning to Give: A Michigan non-profit organization that offers lesson plans, activities, and resources to teach children and teens about the power of philanthropy. (Link is to parent resources.)
Making Caring Common: A project of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, helps educators, parents, and communities raise children who are caring, responsible to their communities, and committed to justice.
National Center on Family Philanthropy: A non-profit organization whose mission is to promote philanthropic values, vision, and excellence across generations of donors and donor families.
Phil and His Family’s Adventures in Giving: This gift box, created by Youth Philanthropy Initiative of Indiana provides great tools for families to teach their children about giving and serving.
Youth Service America: A resource center and alliance of 300+ organizations committed to increasing the quantity and quality of volunteer opportunities for young Americans, ages 5-25, to serve locally, nationally, and globally.
The Giving Family: Raising our Children to Help Others, Susan Crites Price Council on Foundations “A Complete how-to guide to raising generous children.”
Every Gift Matters,Carrie Morgridge Morgridge takes the lessons she has learned making high-impact small gifts and identifies the key principles of effective giving that anyone can use, whether you donate your treasure or talent, whether you have a lot or a little to give.
Inspired Philanthropy: Creating a Giving Plan, Tracy Gary & Melissa Kohner, 1998 Contains exercises for learning about your own philanthropic interests as well as how to develop a giving plan.
The Perfect Gift, edited by Amy A. Kass A collection of readings on philanthropy from many cultures, genres, and time periods. Includes readings from classical literature, philosophy, and religion.
Raising Financially Fit Kids, Joline Godfrey A book on financial literacy with tips for parents on how to help their children develop the skills and knowledge they need to develop financial self-sufficiency.
How to Be an Everyday Philanthropist: 330 Ways to Make a Difference in Your Home, Community, and World – at No Cost!, Nicole Bouchard Boles A handbook, a resource guide, a call to action, and an inspiration, it offers 330 concrete, direct ideas for making a difference–all of which have nothing to do with the size of your checkbook and everything to do with using the hidden assets that are already a part of your life.
Roots of Empathy: Changing the world child by child, Mary Gordon Roots of Empathy Founder/President Mary Gordon chronicles the creation of her award-winning classroom program. Mary shares her vision of a society of compassionate and caring children who will pass on their legacy of empathy to their own children.
Resilient Parent, Resilient Child Community Program Series Fall, 2019. SPARK Kindness is pleased to present the Fall 2019 “Resilient Parent, Resilient Child” speaker series. These programs are free of charge thanks to sponsor and community support.